Jeff Haig


Natasha Dillon


Harley Greenspoon


Graeme Auchincloss

AVP Lending Products

Darren Lorimer

SVP, Commercial Lending

Cato Pastoll

Co-Founder & CEO

James Jang


William Lam

General Manager

Nufar Bareket

Global Head of FIs & Partnerships

Ali Sedighi

CEO | Founder

Elias Beaino


Scott Satov

CEO | Founder

Jordan Fein


Daire Burke

Head of Swoop North America

Paul Pitcher

Managing Partner

Steven Uster

Co-Founder & CEO

Kevin Clark

Chief Revenue Officer (CLA Board Treasurer)

Tyler Meyrick

Chief Financial Officer

Avi Bernstein


The CLA Small Business Lender Roundtable is made up of the leading FinTech SMB lenders in Canada. The goal of this invite-only group is to work on strategies to advance services for small businesses across the lending spectrum.

Visit the CLA’s Calendar to discover how you can get involved with the SMB Lender Roundtable.

Please note: it is important that CLA members do not engage, under the auspices of the CLA, in coordinated behaviors or practices that restrict competition or target competitors who are not members of the CLA. It is critical that CLA staff and CLA members abide by these guidelines which are designed to avoid not only actual wrongdoing but also the appearance of wrongdoing. To that effect, CLA members should generally refrain from sharing with each other any confidential sensitive commercial information such as pricing, capacity, expansion, business plans etc. Should a member have any questions or concerns, please contact Dean Velentzas, Head of Policy.